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Category: Uncategorized

Death and books

Odd title, but hey! It’s my blog! Today is the fifth anniversary of the death of a loved one, so it’s been a weird day. Books were a very big part of our life together, which is why books are mentioned and are actually the main point of this post. He had a way of recommending books to others, even going as far as always picking up copies of favourite books to have on hand to give away. One of the first books he mentioned to me was Appointment in Samarra by John O’Hara. I didn’t know it so I found it and read it. This amazed him. That I actually went out and found a book he mentioned so I could read it for myself. It seemed to me like a logical way to get to know a person – what did they read. He was quite moved. To…

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Changes, losses, and hope

If change was a one-word summary of the past year or past few years, it would be an understatement. It’s the word that popped into my mind when I read Eric Eggert’s year-in-review post about 2022. He talks about some practical changes around his home and his mode of transport, but the community changes he mentions hit home. He calls them losses, which is a more somber change. I consider these changes losses, too. The accessibility community I feel like I lost the accessibility community, too, but that really started a few years ago. I used to tweet a lot about accessibility, particularly in relation to technical communication, my professional field. I was even involved with the W3C’s working group for the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG). (Yikes! 19 years ago!) However, my day job has never been directly about accessibility. Accessibility has been a passionate interest of mine for…

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It’s 2023…

Tom Klaver speaks the truth: It’s so damn hard to get started! When I saw his toot on Mastodon, kindly boosted by Deborah Onoro, I decided to get started myself. Here is my first posting of 2023 and my first posting in a while! Mastodon is getting me back into social media again, and now it looks like it kickstarted this blog again. It’s nice when public knowledge sharing can be constructive, educational, and fun! This blog will continue to be whatever I want it to be. That is the point of having one’s own blog! I am sure there will lots on communication, sprinkled with accessibility and usability aspects. Once you learn about accessibility and usability, I find that you cannot unlearn them and you cannot “unnotice” issues around them when you are out and about. I view them as aspects of life, and not just a tiny corner…

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