Each year, I swoon with delight at the scene in my backyard. After a long winter with bare branches, the tree in the backyard puts out tiny buds of a delicate green. If the sun is out and the temperature is warm, the tree fast-forwards to an explosion of white blossoms. No green is visible, just the white blossoms. I have never learned the name of the tree, and I have never tried to look it up. I don’t need to know its name because I know its beauty. Corny, but true. Perhaps my delight comes from knowing the winter coats and boots can truly be packed away for a season. Or knowing that the days are longer with more sunlight to give energy to so many ideas and activities. It’s definitely a sign that this bear is coming out of hibernation. Hello, glorious spring! When the blossoms disappear, I…
2 CommentsMardahl.dk Posts
A WordPress weekend should be covered on a WordPress blog! I spent the past weekend “geeking out” with WordPress. Once again, the online experience led to great real life get-togethers and discussions. I share tips, links, and photos in this post. You should try a WordPress get-together in your neighborhood to get the feeling of energy that I experienced. Here’s my report on two days with WordPress – first with the wordpress.dk group and then with the Geek Girls Meetup CPH group. Saturday – WordPress.dk Meetup Saturday was a gathering of the usual WordPress suspects from the WordPress.dk community in Copenhagen, thanks to Mark Gazel. Oodles of Plugins First up: Thomas Clausen, who walked us through a list of what he considers to be great and useful plugins. (I drooled because he did his presentation from his iPad.) I confess that I didn’t get all the details about each plugin.…
6 CommentsI’m going to throw a bunch of data at you now. I want to pass along some great information I discovered tonight, but my brain is having trouble getting into a decent writing mode. Regard this as a jumbled bag of nice quality chocolate instead of a nicely laid out tray of nice quality chocolates. OK? 10 Things Paul Bradshaw Learned about Data Journalism My favorite online communication and online journalism group in Denmark invited Paul Bradshaw to speak at a Dona.dk meeting tonight. The talk was entitled “10 things I learned about data journalism”, but I am not going to list all ten items (because I didn’t write them all down). I was trying to listen, learn, absorb, and think. I took home some great resources and a few very nice quotes. The Usual Suspects Let’s start with the resources – people actually. A lineup of Paul Bradshaw’s People…