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A Hot Cup of Coffee for the Homeless Man

This blog post is in memory of one of my customers from my days as a waitress in a classic American “greasy spoon” café. Sadly, I’ve forgotten his name, but I’ve never forgotten his smile… and his tragic death. After my trips to Denmark and Nepal in 1978, I returned to the US for my final year at Carleton College. That was not to be. I had culture shock. My memories of my adventures clashed with orderly Northfield, Minnesota. People seemed to have changed, too. Our “student uniform” was typically a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. Now, people were changing clothes when they went to dinner – in a college dining hall! That’s how I saw things, at least. People were thinking about final exams, and I was thinking about the world and its problems. I had to get out. I took a break from school that winter,…


Plugging Accessibility and Inclusion at Ignite Denmark

Present 20 slides in 5 minutes. That’s how Ignite works. The next Danish Ignite event takes place on March 1st. I’ll be there. Presenting. Whew! It’s a part of the Global Ignite Week. Those of us who are presenting will follow the Ignite motto: “Enlighten us, but make it quick.” What personal and professional passion will I share in twenty 15-second chunks? Accessibility and inclusion. I’m very grateful to @techwriterkai for sharing this post about


Overland From Denmark to Nepal

On 1 February 1978 – 33 years ago this week – seven people left Denmark in a 1955 Bedford bus headed to Nepal. I was one of those people. We drove through Germany Austria Yugoslavia (that was its name back then) Bulgaria Turkey Iran Afghanistan Pakistan India Nepal and then turned around and drove back to Denmark, arriving home four months and eight days later. Sometimes, I feel like I took that journey at the last minute. The first little revolution in Afghanistan took place in April 1978 while we were in India. A year later, the Shah was deposed in Iran. Massive changes have taken place in some of the countries I visited. We met only kindness and hospitality from total strangers in these countries; they invited us into their homes and offered us food and drink. I wonder what has happened to them in the past 33 years.…