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Waste not, want not

Have any old electronic equipment cluttering up the house? People in North America can use Goodwill to recycle “e-waste” responsibly. It looks like there is something similar in the UK. What’s a person in Denmark to do? In Denmark, waste is handled in each municipality. The explanation of what you can and cannot do is too text-heavy as illustrated by this one example. Who wants to wade through piles of words like that? With the sensitivity of getting rid of waste in a responsible fashion, you must have clear explanations. You are presenting important information to people who have different approaches to reading. Don’t scare them off, and in this case, dump toxic material in their ordinary household trash. If recycling is the way to go, it must be explained in terms that everyone can understand. It must also be made easy to do. Reading long lists of what-not-to-do is…

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Tell the story

There are a million stories in the naked city, and a million cities. I think one of the first blogs I ever read – and ever loved – was San Francisco Stories. Its author, Derek Powazek, reached around the globe to me with his wonderful storytelling. Later, he started the City Stories project. The lead-in quote on this blog post comes from that site’s tagline. I discussed starting a “Copenhagen Stories” site with someone, but neither of us were committed enough at the time. When I learned that the City Stories project had stopped, I felt partly to blame. I thought it was an excellent idea that deserved to survive. A recent internet search revealed only one site in Manchester, UK with the city-stories theme. It shows no connection to Powazek’s original theme, but it does continue the idea of anyone sharing their anecdotes and stories. One other search result…

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The fierce urgency of now – COP15

Snow falls on the streets of Copenhagen tonight bringing a gentle quiet to the city. I also think Mother Nature is reminding the leaders at the Copenhagen Climate Conference that she is ultimately in charge. The past eight days have been a whirlwind of activity in the city for the thousands of people involved in the climate conference. I have been at the reception area of Tck Tck Tck‘s Fresh Air Center in “Huset”. Between my volunteer work and the overwhelming amount of information pouring in all the time, I only manage tweets and a few photos. The real story is the people at this conference. I am humbled and awed by the people I meet each day. Their dedication and passion for raising awareness about climate-change issues is inspiring. Their stories also strike some fear and worry in my heart. It’s not the stories of science that worry me.…

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