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WordPress Meetup Fun – 12 July in Copenhagen

Fresh baked rolls from Lisa and birthday pastries from Abelone set the usual cozy tone for the Danish WordPress meetup held in the lovely Advice Digital office, thanks to the wonderful RenĂ©. We had an agenda, but the main agenda is really “meet and ask your questions”. We had a round of introductions where attendees stated their problem or their skill set. After that, we could move around to help each other accordingly. We had a speaker scheduled, but when he was delayed, the power of “let’s just mingle and help each other out” came into effect. As usual, some were WordPress novices and some had never blogged previously – in other words, all levels of experience were present – and welcome! The Main Event – hacking the sandbox Tore Vesterby, our scheduled speaker, arrived and proceeded to dazzle with his tricks in the sandbox. The sandbox theme, to be…


Food for thought – literally

This is not a foodie-blog type post, by the way. I’d call it a socio-political post (even though that sounds a bit pompous.) Anyway… I have a cute cookbook from 1915 called “Dyrtids Kogebog” that came from a flea market excursion. Dyrtid is a Danish word that refers to a time of scarcity. I guess an appropriate translation would be “A cookbook for times of scarcity”. Basically, the cookbook focuses on a mainly vegetarian-type diet, especially meals based on grains. The author, Mikkel Hindhede, had the idea that much of the starvation that took place in the early 1900s was due to a misguided focus on raising animals for meat, rather than raising nutritious grains at a far, far lower cost than the animals. This was an interesting angle that I had never encountered previously. Curious to learn more, I came across an article from the European Vegetarian Union’s newsletter…


The joy of sharing ideas

I don’t understand what Holger Bech Nielsen, the theoretical physicist, talks about. However, I gladly listened to him talk many years ago. Twice. Why? I am not a physicist. I have not attended any physics classes at school. That doesn’t matter. You don’t need schooling to recognize the barely contained excitement in someone who wants to share ideas. I remember how he could hardly stand still because he was bursting with all that he wanted to tell us. The audience was a group of Mensans at their annual gathering. The location was a campground with barracks owned by some church for their own get-togethers. Holger spoke in the only place available – a whitewashed, wooden church building. He became desperate to draw illustrations of what he was telling us. We could only find some white A4 paper and a purple marker. Volunteers taped the paper to the wall and Holger…

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