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My Twitter mosaic

Wow. I am becoming a model of one of those people who neglect their blogs for Twitter. Sorry, little blog. I didn’t even blog on my birthday. The fact is – I have too much to do in my life, and I really need to re-evaluate and re-prioritize. While I ponder my life, Twitter skips along. I can access Twitter on my iPhone or on applications on my desktop. The information coming from my Twitter accounts is easily digested. I can follow comments from the sidelines while doing my work, throwing in my own remarks on occasion. I use Twitter for those in-between chunks of time. When I am really bogged down with work or problems, Twitter provides a small glimpse into the real world of my real-life and virtual friends. You could say it is a little reality check with their 140-character comments sharing a joke or reminding me…


iPhone blogging

This blog post is being written on an iPhone, which is definitely a motivator for short posts! Do you know what it is like to type with one finger? I would like the Shapewriter iPhone application to be incorporated into more tools – such as this WordPress application for the iPhone. “Drawing” the word is much easier than tapping. Just drag your finger from letter to letter to spell the words. Tapping out a post isn’t that bad. After all, I type out many tweets on Twitter. The hyperlinks appear challenging. That is why this post isn’t getting any! This is all very entertaining, but enough for now. I feel that the lesson learned is that I can create drafts of posts on my iPhone, but all the extras such as links or videos will be done on the computer. Now to upload this post and prove that this entire…

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I’m tweeting

Yes, I tweet. On November 12, 2008, I joined Twitter and began to chirp with everyone else in Twitterville. Twitter is often called microblogging, that is, short posts of maximum 140 characters. I’ll let the Common Craft show explain Twitter in Plain English. You can find me on Twitter as @kmdk. Actually, my debut on Twitter was November 2, 2008 with @stcaccess. It was a move to promote the