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Leading Virtual Teams in the Age of Complexity

The American Management Association (AMA) is producing some great – and free! – webcasts these days. Today’s webcast was valuable to me for my life outside work. When I am not at the day job that puts bread on the table and provides fun challenges for a technical communicator, I am the “SIG Advocate” for the leaders of all the special interest groups (SIG) in STC. We are spread across 9 time zones and have different areas of focus. All our activities are volunteer – no one gets paid. So how do we manage ourselves and each other and get the job done? When I saw that today’s topic was “Leading Virtual Teams: Managing When People are at a Distance”, I had to sign up to pick up some tips. We are all intelligent and independent adults, and we all lead busy lives and have diverse interests. How can we…

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Left thumb still blogging!

I came across Glenda Watson Hyatt‘s blog in March 2007, so it was like finding a old friend when I found two blog posts about her recently. Problogger wrote how blogging changes lives by sharing a captioned video of Glenda Watson Hyatt telling her own blogging story. Lorelle on WordPress also blogged about Glenda, writing something that I want to quote: As you design and develop WordPress Themes and Plugins, and even WordPress itself, remember that you are serving thousands, maybe even millions of people just like Glenda. Creative, energetic members of society determined to give back to their community, yet unable to communicate in person or easily interact with a computer. They are reliant upon those of us who make the web possible, and social, to communicate with others by maintaining web accessibility standards. Thank you, Lorelle. Nicely put! PS With this being October, the month of breast cancer…

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Fresh orchid and fishing cats

Color communicates. I just received an orchid fresh off the plane from Bangkok. With the sun streaming in the window, the opportunity to photograph the delicate flower couldn’t be bypassed. It gave me practice with my camera, had me do a bit more work with my new Flickr account, and gave me a chance to share the sunshine-y happiness of a tropical flower in a northern climate. My son, the orchid transporter, also brought me some cats from Koh Samui. No, not live ones, wooden ones seated in a boat with their fishing poles. Obviously successful at their task because a tiny fish dangles from each pole. Again, the bright colors in the sunshine just set a lovely mood for this day, so I had to share.

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