How can we move from “info dump” to knowledge sharing? Diving into my 1000+ unread feeds on Google Reader, I found Nancy White asking this question about knowledge sharing. I had to blog about this, rather than just make a comment. I am in the middle of reading a document that touches on this same idea of knowledge sharing. A few thoughts are surfacing from my reading, and I feel they are related to Nancy’s entry. My preliminary thought is that people need to be trained – and encouraged – to share their thoughts. For some reason, it does not seem to come naturally to us. Excuse the crude term, but we do mostly regurgitate knowledge to show that we, too, have understood such-and-such. This echoes the quote in the blog post. Once knowledge is captured in some form of documentation, there seems to be a reluctance to change it.…
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A dear friend of mine always begins her birthday greetings with this expression. Funny how removing one letter from “March fourth” should bring such a smile to my face, but it does. Therefore, I march forth each new year that, for me, begins on March 4th. I now have 50 of them (years) tucked away in the nooks and crannies of my mind and soul and heart, and I look forward (forth?) to a whole lot more. Earlier this year, Nancy White shared a beautiful celebration of numbers in celebration of turning 50. Now I can do the same. I find this parade of numbers fascinating. I see so much variety and so many stories. This is not even over-analyzing the film. The variety and stories – the depth – are there in a flash. It awakens my curiosity. Who are we, the many-numbered inhabitants of this planet? Don’t worry…
2 CommentsA bit of shyness makes me use lolcat speak in my title. I couldn’t just blurt out – I am in a podcast! For English readers of this blog, you need to practice your Danish first. The podcast is made by a Dane in the USA in Danish about the Danish blogosphere. The Dane, Rasmus, wanted to interview someone from, and because the board knew how much I loved to talk, they invited me to do the interview on behalf of our network. The interview was fun, with our connection on Skype falling out about every 5 minutes. Rasmus was very cool and didn’t miss a beat. Despite the technical challenges, it really is impressive how we could sit on opposite sides of the globe and carry on a discussion. Amazing stuff, technology. I learned how talking is so different from writing. Doh! you say? Well, once the words…