After sharing this tip with two people in two days, I realized it’s time to share this tip on the blog. For all your copyediting needs, join the Copyediting-L discussion list. This great list can help you out of struggles with convoluted sentences, elusive words, ghastly syntax, and so on. For the writer struggling alone (truly alone, or with no other grammar help in sight), this group becomes the helpful colleagues who are only an email away. There is a high volume of mail, so you might want to consider subscribing to a digest format or no mails at all. All mails are archived on a Web site where you can browse to your heart’s content after you are signed up to the group. There are various rules and guidelines, but I find them to be very sensible. Before you begin, read through the information about the list, as well…
Comments Posts
The Digital Web Magazine led me to the article, Computer-based exam discriminated against blind candidate. A blind IT project manager who wanted to gain certification in project management did not have an accessible version of the computer-based exam made available to her by the company that provides the exam. Proceedings have been brought against the company as you can read in the article. I am not qualified to comment on any of the legal matters, so I won’t. I just wonder why such issues arise. Why does anyone have to go to court about this sort of issue? Why is assistive technology not provided as the most natural thing in the world, especially in a case like this? Why is documentation not made available in different formats automatically, one of those formats being one that can be handled by a screen reader. I know there are many companies in the…
Comments closedMany, many years ago, the managing director of the company where I worked accused me of being disloyal to said company. I had participated as technical secretary in a regularly scheduled meeting with all the technical managers where we had the usual agenda of evaluating or planning past, current, and future projects or events. A problem came up that concerned my department. Deliveries were delayed or incorrect in too many cases, and support and customers were complaining. This was duly reported in the minutes of the meeting. All participants, plus a few higher placed managers or directors received a copy of the minutes. One technical manager distributed it to his support staff. This is where the managing director got angry. All participants at the meeting got a reprimand about being disloyal for discussing such problems. One other manager (why him, I cannot recall) and I were especially singled out and…
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