Present 20 slides in 5 minutes. That’s how Ignite works. The next Danish Ignite event takes place on March 1st. I’ll be there. Presenting. Whew! It’s a part of the Global Ignite Week. Those of us who are presenting will follow the Ignite motto: “Enlighten us, but make it quick.” What personal and professional passion will I share in twenty 15-second chunks? Accessibility and inclusion. I’m very grateful to @techwriterkai for sharing this post about
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I feel so overwhelmed when I encounter websites that use the phrase “Read more” or “Click here”. The overwhelming feeling comes from realizing how many people need to get rid of this bad habit. It’s the wrong thing to do. This bad practice is so ubiquitous that most people probably concludes that it is OK. But it isn’t! My latest encounter was on the website for the museum of Copenhagen. The Danish version of the site is the same. Imagine that you had a list of only the links from a web page. I mean a list of the phrases displayed with a link, not the actual hyperlink. The list on a site that uses “Read more” would be as follows: Read more Read more Read more Read more I could continue. It’s meaningless, right? That is what anyone who reads a website with a screen reader encounters. Screen readers…
32 CommentsAfter lots of sweat and tears, but no blood, I posted my presentation from #a11yldn and #tcuk10 on Slideshare. Technical Communication and Inclusion View more presentations from kmardahl. Unfortunately, the notes don’t show up as I thought they would. Because this presentation is not a normal presentation, the notes are crucial. I describe how to caption videos on YouTube and give a brief walk-through of the PDF accessibility checker in Adobe Acrobat. Those notes say it all, so I will have to break out those elements into blog posts, or do something that will make the notes visible. Of course, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to view my notes, but I wish the Slideshare notes worked. The message is too crucial to hide! PS The sweat and (almost) tears came from reworking these slides 3 times! The first set became corrupted somehow and I had to…
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