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Tag: blogging

Happy birthday, little blog!

Actually, the birthday celebration should have been on the 23rd of this month. That’s when this blog was born. I know this second year in the blogosphere will be filled with more blogging here. I have started blogging (in Danish) over at the Webgrrls blog and the Morgendagens Heltinder blog. Enjoy my writing over there – if you can read Danish! Suddenly, with all these outlets for my writing energy, the job becomes addicting. I remember that I can blog, and the thought of blogging becomes more natural and second nature. Of course, forgetfulness can still sneak in. I just discovered I have a completed draft for a blog that I never published. Don’t know how I got sidetracked, but I did. I’ll save it for another day. Right now, a birthday celebration, even a belated one, does call for a close look at, say, Desserts to Die For, right?…



Hmmm. I look like I am falling behind in my blogging. Or am I? Deadlines or blogging frequencies are set by me. There are also things like work deadlines, and they have a tendency to get a higher priority with me. 🙂 I have not really had time to ponder and speculate so much about deep, profound technical communication topics, whatever those topics might be. Work and life have definitely been in the fast lane lately, resulting in a humdinger of a cold (which is also not helpful to one’s blogging ambitions). The truth is that I have been blogging – elsewhere. I’m a regular on the blog, so if topics come up in the Danish IT world, it is much easier to continue the discussion there, in Danish. Christmas holidays are coming up, so perhaps I’ll get caught up with my blogging ideas there, as well as everything…

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A bit of housecleaning

I finally did my WordPress 2.3.1 upgrade today and changed my theme at the same time. I waved goodbye to the nice Ocadia theme from Beccary, which has served me well for nearly a year. Now I am using the Beast-Blog theme from Mike Cherim. There is a lot to play with in this theme, but I’ll be taking it slow at first. Rearranging categories and adding tags still needs work. It’s not surprising that the theme has a lot of rich detail and potential when it comes from a talented guy like Mike. He’s one of the team over at, the site that showcases and promotes accessible web design. They might just have the resources and inspiration you need.

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