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Tag: blogging

Another successful WordPress Meetup

Attending a Danish WordPress Meetup in the company of nice people is a pleasant way for a geek to recover from jetlag! René blogged about it (in Danish, of course). I look forward to seeing pictures when the photographers upload their photos somewhere. Podcasts and blogs I was bit late, but caught the majority of Karin Høegh’s little talk about podcast blogs. She is working on a new tool here in Denmark for publishing podcasts called Podhandle. She feels there are usability issues with publishing methods and hopes that podhandle can provide good solutions. Not being a podcaster myself, I couldn’t really use that information, but I enjoyed listening to Karin’s talk and the discussion that followed. The atmosphere is always charged with energy and inspiration at times like these. Statistics and your blog Our talk soon switched to statistics programs. Several were mentioned, but the best summary can be…


Tech Writer Blogs Galore!

Are you looking for some more technical writing/communication blogs? Go look at the directory that Tom Johnson set up for tech writing blogs. This list is growing as more technical communicators find their way here and list their blogs. The list just grew by one – I added mine. 🙂

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WordPress meetup in Copenhagen

This is my first attempt at live blogging, and on someone else’s laptop, which is always tricky. As a newbie blogger, I find it all quite exciting. You can see pictures over on Lisa Risager’s blog. There is no specific agenda. People are just chatting with old friends. Others have put sticky notes on their laptops to indicate what topics interest them. It’s great to walk around and read these topics. Someone is converting from another system to WordPress, but I can’t help there, so I move on. I met two newbies who suddenly made me feel experienced with my two-month-old blog. I could even show one of them something about themes, which made me feel that I was finally a contributor, and not just a taker. What have I learned? Well, I was puzzled about the difference between trackbacks and pingbacks. Very nice Philip from gave me some…