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Tag: community

Bye Bye Bye Birdsite

I just deactivated my account on a social media site, and I am angry. I am angry at multiple things. Was I just another brick in the wall? It depends on your perspective. I have been using the internet for a fairly long time, or as some prefer to say, I have been online for ages. The internet made it possible to connect with people more easily. Back when I was a child in the stone age, I wrote messages on paper, put the completed message in a folder piece of paper called an envelope, and sealed the envelope. I then wrote a name and an address on the envelope, affixed a stamp to the envelope, and handed the whole thing over to a service called a post office that had its own special building. The stamp was a means by which I could pay the post office for transporting…


Changes, losses, and hope

If change was a one-word summary of the past year or past few years, it would be an understatement. It’s the word that popped into my mind when I read Eric Eggert’s year-in-review post about 2022. He talks about some practical changes around his home and his mode of transport, but the community changes he mentions hit home. He calls them losses, which is a more somber change. I consider these changes losses, too. The accessibility community I feel like I lost the accessibility community, too, but that really started a few years ago. I used to tweet a lot about accessibility, particularly in relation to technical communication, my professional field. I was even involved with the W3C’s working group for the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG). (Yikes! 19 years ago!) However, my day job has never been directly about accessibility. Accessibility has been a passionate interest of mine for…

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Long live the WordPress community – and a new look!

A friend in the WordPress community saved my blog today, so this blog post is dedicated to her. 🙂 Let’s back up for a moment. I attended WordCamp this past weekend. In fact, I was one of the organizers together with the awesome team of @markgazel, @dejliglama, @risager, and @anetq. WordCamp Denmark 2014 was also awesome. That is not an exaggeration. Our hosts,, provided excellent facilities and great food. And they are blessed with an employee who thinks baking gigantic cakes for 150 people is fun! What happened at WordCamp does not stay at WordCamp. Those stories will get shared. The WordCamp site has links to the slides and the photos, etc. I left in a fantastic mood from the last three conversation there with three happy people. They were all so excited by the weekend that they said they wanted to get more involved in the community around…

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