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Tag: musings

Yes we can

I stayed up all night to watch the elections in the United States. Thinking I couldn’t stay awake, I didn’t attend any events in Copenhagen and chose park myself in front of the computer and TV. I forgot about adrenalin. The TV and the internet kept me going. They were a perfect team for me. I saw President-elect Barack Obama give his speech, and not long after that, Shakesville posted the full text from the Guardian. What a night! I didn’t get to sleep until 8.30 in the morning. I thought McCain gave a very gracious speech. Obama’s acceptance speech moved me to tears (of joy). Granted, I am a fan of his rhetoric. It could get me interested in politics! What a delight if we move from sound-bites to proper discourse, dialog, conversation, listening – communication. I know there are many challenges ahead of the US and the world.…

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Reading Virtual Communities by Howard Rheingold

Slow, but steady. Isn’t that how the tortoise won the race? I made a note to myself to read Howard Rheingold’s Virtual Communities years ago, and now I am actually doing so! The real motivator for reading it is an upcoming keynote by Rheingold at the STC conference in Philadelphia, June 1-4. I’d like to attend the keynote having read the speaker’s book. The book is slightly historical, but I find the mix of history, internet, geeky stuff, and human behavior utterly fascinating. I thoroughly enjoyed the Victorian Internet, I have Where Wizards Stay Up Late in my to-read pile, so reading Virtual Communities is a no-brainer. Oh, and I borrowed his Tools for Thought from the library in MIT’s reprint from 2000. The online version of Tools for Thought looks like it might be from 1985. Despite its age, the online version from 1985 can still be an interesting…

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March Forth!

A dear friend of mine always begins her birthday greetings with this expression. Funny how removing one letter from “March fourth” should bring such a smile to my face, but it does. Therefore, I march forth each new year that, for me, begins on March 4th. I now have 50 of them (years) tucked away in the nooks and crannies of my mind and soul and heart, and I look forward (forth?) to a whole lot more. Earlier this year, Nancy White shared a beautiful celebration of numbers in celebration of turning 50. Now I can do the same. I find this parade of numbers fascinating. I see so much variety and so many stories. This is not even over-analyzing the film. The variety and stories – the depth – are there in a flash. It awakens my curiosity. Who are we, the many-numbered inhabitants of this planet? Don’t worry…